Il "blog degli amici di Papa Ratzinger" vuole essere un omaggio a Benedetto XVI. Si tratta di una iniziativa personale che non ha alcun riconoscimento ufficiale. Non è un prodotto editoriale. Il materiale qui contenuto è a disposizione di chiunque. Questo spazio virtuale non ha scopo di lucro ed è consultabile gratuitamente. E' gradito tuttavia un piccolo contributo economico necessario al sostentamento del blog. Buona navigazione.
venerdì 3 febbraio 2012
Fellay torna a prospettare una risposta negativa alle richieste avanzate dal Vaticano
"The Society of St. Pius X has been founded by the Church and in the Church, and we say this Society continues to exist, despite the fact that there is a pretense that it does not exist; that it was suppressed in 1976 (but obviously with total disrespect of the laws of the Church itself). And that’s why we continue. And our dear Founder insisted many, many times on the importance of this existence of the Society. And I think, as time evolves, we must keep this in mind – and it is very important that we keep this Catholic Spirit..."
RispondiElimina"The Society of St. Pius X has been founded by the Church and in the Church, and we say this Society continues to exist, despite the fact that there is a pretense that it does not exist; that it was suppressed in 1976 (but obviously with total disrespect of the laws of the Church itself). And that’s why we continue. And our dear Founder insisted many, many times on the importance of this existence of the Society. And I think, as time evolves, we must keep this in mind – and it is very important that we keep this Catholic Spirit..."